Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Discussion on Accidents, Hazards, Risk and Organizational efforts

An accident is an unwanted event that is never scheduled or planned. Many factors contribute to accidents' occurrence; significant losses and even bodily injury can result following each incident. These basic facts are well understood, yet accidents continue to occur, property damage accumulates, work schedules remain interrupted, and injuries reduce personal income.
Are accidents inevitable? Do they occur as a natural consequence of a daily routine? Can they be avoided? All accidents are caused. They are the result of human error, and they involve unsafe behavior or an unsafe condition, or a combination of both. Process improvement opportunities are always identified following an accident, and prompt corrective measures are scheduled. Unfortunately, the inherent ability of the environment or behavior that initially caused the accident is seldom addressed in its entirety. Thus, we wait for the next accident in order to identify the next required corrective action. Hindsight has future value, but only after the accident occurs. The opposite of hindsight is foresight. With foresight, you identify accident potentials; with hindsight, you investigate accidents. Let us consider the value of each.
Safety education for all levels of management personnel and for workers is vital for the success of the safety education program. It can also be said that the safety education in industry, is an activity which aims at practical results in accident prevention.
The following are the needs for the safety education program in an industry
a.      The specific accident causes cannot be determined
b.      To be sufficiently specific with regard to the safety problems of each worker.  
c.       To educate each worker to be aware and prevent avoidable things, and to conduct the work safely
d.      To provide immediate job knowledge
e.      To provide skills and methods of work
f.        To give understanding of the hazards in the industry
g.      Impressing upon them the need for prompt report of any personal injury
h.      For an understanding the causes of an accidents and accident prevention methods, and techniques and
i.        To know the first aid techniques.

Review of related literature is an important aspect of research. Research takes advantages of the knowledge which has accumulated and the past as a result of constant human endeavor. It can never be undertaken in isolation of the work that has already been done on the problem which is directly or indirectly related to the study proposed by the researcher. Successful research can be carried out only through a process of integration of past research and knowledge with current research.
Although with the development of a new, integrated approach to system safety engineering, the approach is illustrated with a case study involving the design of a high-pressure experimental research facility. The system safety engineering framework incorporates five main groups of activities including
        I.            System design visualization,
      II.            Failure modes and
    III.            Effects analysis,
    IV.            Multidisciplinary team formation, benchmarking and enterprise management.
      V.            Coupling systems engineering approach with the recognized principle of failure mode avoidance was found to significantly enhance the engineering design process.

Two important decisions that need to be made are selection of appropriate risk assessment techniques and implementing appropriate risk control measures usually accidents that have low probability have high consequence incidents, despite the growth of process safety over the last decade, serious accidents still happen. The problem with multiple management systems is complexity and confusion and the resulting errors. To avoid such problems, it may be best to develop one management system that covers safety, health, environment and quality. An effective safety, health, environment and quality management system features basic components:
1.      Policy,
2.      Leadership and accountability;
3.      Organizational infrastructure;
4.      strategic planning; safety, health, environment and quality management; customers, contractors and suppliers
5.      Performance monitoring; and continuous improvement.

An effective safety, health, environment and quality program is a good management system that provides a method to translate safety, health, environment and quality varies into concrete performance measures.
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Alliance Program has been working on Design for Construction Safety, an initiative to reduce construction injuries arid fatalities through engineering design. The same safety engineering principles being promoted by these efforts can be applied to consumer safety as well. The most effective way to prevent injuries and fatalities in the workplace is to address hazards in the design phase rather than attempting to manage them after the fact. The first step in any design is to create a preliminary design. The design for safety process begins with an assessment of hazards and their associated risks. Once hazards are identified, the design for safety methodology is applied.
American Society of Safety Engineers in 2002 listed the traditional methods of controlling workplace hazards includes;
1.      Engineering controls,
2.      Safety training and the
3.      Use of personal protective equipment.
From the above three methods, safety training adjusted the most effective means for the reduction of injuries.

ILO OSH in 2001 presents that a great deal of effort has been made by both academic and regulators and industry to investigate and develop approaches to address safety and the environment. The approaches to safety seem to put emphasis on management functions, guidelines, industry standards and quality principles to establish the safety management system for each organization.

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